Monday, May 11, 2009

Lasers or Losers

yes am str8 jacking that sh*t from lupe!! we are LASERS now no more LOSERS,lol. for those that dont know its' an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Am gonna try my possible best to relate that to a more generic situation.ok lets go,LASERS are actually packets of photons....Sorry this is kinda hard.ok,you see light is made up of packets of particles with definite energies called PHOTONS.much clearer right?
 so in another way lasers are like concentrated light!!! Using a torch light as an example you notice when you put it on,the light spreads out,as it does that it loses intensity until it finally fades out(try using a torchlight to see an object in the dark 2km away...quite impossible).
   However for LASERS,this photons are continuosly regenerated so intensity remains the same throughout the whole duration(typical example is INFRA RED).Think of those clones in starwars..they keep coming and coming(get your mind out of the gutter!!!)
      Remember am trying not to go really deep into this here so am just touching the fundamentals.So for all y'all out there what category do you belong in?? are you constantly out for self(which is not entirely a bad idea anyway) or out to help others?? Losers are self centred,bigoted,one eyed kings who live in their narrow minded castles like paupers!!!!
 Lasers are simply......LASERS
   We amplify,we are coherent and directional.We are not self centred,we are not to proud to lend a helping hand(if it's possible) and lastly..we will always radiate like the sun!!!
   MJ said the world wont change until you change the man/woman in the mirror.the same person you see everyday when you take a shower and brush your teeth. 
   I know it's not all peaches and cream but come on..your life could have been WORSE than you think it is.No matter HOW bad you think your situation is..there are a BILLION people worse off than you are so stop BITCHING and MOVE like a LASER
 I can't hear you!!! SCREAM..AM NOT A LOSER..AM A F&*KING LASER

ok enuff,,get back to work before your boss sees you...LOL..but seriously be a LASER for a day and you would enjoy it

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